Local 755 Hollywood

Ingenuity ~ Artistry ~ Craftsmanship

The skills and craftsmanship attained by the members of Local 755 are a testament of their contribution to many of Hollywood’s greatest motion pictures and television productions for nearly 100 years. This reign of skills continue to evolve with new technology and applications to provide unparalleled service to productions of all types.

Plasterers Sculptors & Shop Hands of Local 755

The 300+ members of Local 755 quickly set the standard of quality craftsmanship and artistry as they provided services to Hollywood’s most successful box office and television hits. Since their early days, Local 755 journeymen evolved their crafts with modern technologies to provide the best possible service to their employers.

We Serve the Motion Picture, Television, and Events Industries.

A Local 755 Sculptor is an artist who models a ‘vision’ into a tangible piece of art. Starting with drawings, photographs, and historical references, a sculptor can synthesize numerous eclectic styles into one work.


A Local 755 Shop Hand is a professional craftsperson providing the utmost expertise in model making, mold making, casting multiple parts, flexible molding, running ornamental details, hard coating of one-off sculptures, spraying of hard and flexible coatings and waterproofing.


Interested in hiring the best craftspeople in the industry?

Family members of Local 755 may quality for the annual Finley Scholarship. Awards are for undergraduates. Click on the blue button for an application and instructions.